The story behind The Stories

The Pleasure Ethic

Through connection, we make sex prosperous, more plentiful, and meaningful.

Through intimacy, we are free to look into the eyes of another and decide what is true about our desires and who or what they truly serve.

I am Tyanna, and I am trained in Somatica Method of Sex & Intimacy Coaching. I use the experimental methods and tools that I have studied and to advise my writings to bring love, lust, and intimacy in connection with the people who experience them and how they could experience them at their highest pleasures.

Family-owned boutique winery with years of experience and knowledge.

If you have shame, prepare to shed it now.

You were told to work and achieve. You did. And success came. But what comes of it?

Extraordinary people achieve extraordinary things and are then told by the world to live ordinary lives.

We have little guidance on how to come to terms with our own desires, wants, and needs. There are many boxes that we can check and labels we can use BUT what does that tell us about how to build the relationships and marriages that we crave?

You may hear from those around you that-

What you have is enough.

You don’t need more.

BUT you didn’t get to where you are with that attitude. Why strive for the heights of success without continuing to dive into the desires that propel you forward?

Our passions help us to pursue our purpose. And achievement without pleasure can feel like a life half lived.

Without this wholeness, we are in a desert. We are left thirsty, wandering, and wondering- “What if… and “what more…”

Your intuition tells you there is more to explore within your dating life, with your relationships, or within your marriage.

And you are right!

Intimate desires, fantasies, and pleasures are like the stars to our being. You CAN reach within yourself pull them out and see them shine.

You CAN use those desires to build the relationship of your dreams. You can share your desires lovingly with your partner and introduce or re-introduce passion into your life.

I can help you find it, share it, grow it, and experience it. Within your marriage, relationships, or your quest for it.

I’m a sex and intimacy advisor.

I help exceptional people attain their ultimate desires through transformative 1:1 personalized guidance and development.

The Story

We live within a system, within a world, that is defined by profit.

Abundance is our mark of success.

…and this success of profit does not come in tandem with the success of the full spectrum of human needs.

This part is a choice.

The market doesn’t sort out how to facilitate navigating your desires.

Your job description LIKELY doesn’t include knowing how to tune in and listen to the erotic self.

When you hit your quarter 1 goals, a document doesn’t descend from the heavens teaching you how to live in fulfilment.

But it does provide the freedom of choice to do it yourself, on your own terms.

Basically, if you want this part of your life to be good, you really have to sort it out yourself!

Who I am

As a sex, relationship, and intimacy advisor, I guide you on your journey to building the most authentic and fulfilling relationships possible for you.

Most importantly, I offer you a place of permission where you can learn, be awkward, uncover what makes you feel turned on (and how to get that feeling from your partner or partners), and uncover the desires that are authentic and true to you.

I know many people have never heard of this kind of profession. But I also know that many of us understand that living an extraordinary life requires competency and wisdom. And while an extraordinary life can mean many things, I think we can agree that success without pleasure and purpose is a life half lived. This is the place where you can explore and practice these lesser explored desires that contribute so greatly to a life well-lived.

Eat, Drink And Be Merry, For Tomorrow We Shall Die.


The Vision

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your pleasure ethic

We live within a system, within a world, that is defined by profit.

Abundance is our mark of success.

…and this success of profit, degrees, and many other cultural milestones do not come in tandem with the ability to access the full spectrum of human needs.

Your job description LIKELY doesn’t include knowing how to tune in and listen to the erotic self.

When you hit your quarter 1 goals, a document doesn’t descend from the heavens teaching you how to live in fulfilment.

But it does provide the freedom of choice to do it yourself, on your own terms.

If you want this integral part of your life to be good, you have to carry the burden and sort it out yourself, but that doesn’t mean you need to do it alone…

“Many of us pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that we hurry past it.”

- Søren Kierkegaard -

perfect triangle by julia ero

Create and explore your own pleasure ethic and commission your own story

Are you Ready for intimacy?